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Update for this offering:

Applications will open up in May/June. View more details at the bottom of this page




 Medicine RetreaTS & MentorShip

This is an offering for the ones who feel called to work with me on an intimate and personal level where we together with the plants dive deep into the mystery of your souls path. This journey is intended to serve as an activation & birthing portal - a space for deep healing, soul retrieval & restoration of the Divine; Imagination, Creativity, Inspiration & Intuition within the seed of your heart. 


We will be diving into the world of Sacred Plant Teachers together and you will be introduced to working with Plants as Allies to journey through the inner worlds and uncover the medicine within your heart. This means you will become an aspirant and Apprentice of The Earth Mother and gradually awaken to the amazing worlds of Spirit Allies that we meet when working with nature. This is intended to deepen your connection with the land where you live and you will be encouraged to find your allies close to your home to start with. When you establish your connections and cultivate these sacred relationships you will be guided by spirit and shown how you can work with nature to restore harmony within and without. It is a mission which honours the sacredness of all life. I will support and guide you into a deeper relationship with nature and hold you as you unfold your wings and retrieve your own unique soul medicine






is opened up with a 3-5 day sacred medicine retreat (which will take place in Sweden) followed by a 6 month mentorship. This is offered and weaved by me and my spirit allies as a rite of passage which is intentionally created as a door-opener into your soul & the kingdom of plant spirits. We will through sacred ceremony and ritual bring out the medicine and essence of your heart and look at what needs to be nurtured and tended to so that it can blossom and root deeper within you. This is a birth which calls in the higher nature of the soul to come forth and a relationship with The Earth to expand into a well of wisdom.


This is an intimate offering and I will only have space for 6-8 participants. Applications open up in February 2024 and will be open to August 2024. Our journey will start in September 2024. You will be asked to fill in an application at the bottom of this page to enrol.



This offering may be resonant for anyone who is  currently undergoing a personal inner transformation and awakening to a deeper connection with nature. You feel ready to open up and embrace new layers of the gifts within your heart and explore the mysteries of nature. You are feeling the Earth Mother speaking to your senses and the kingdoms of plant, mineral & animal spirits reaching out. An awakening of a deep truth within your heart is emerging, a remembrance of who you are in your core gradually being restored and calling you to spread your wings.


I am opening up this space for the devoted hearts and souls who are committed to their inner healing and soul's evolution. You know that you are here to serve a greater plan for both humanitarian and planetary wellbeing to be restored. Through introspection and active devotion we seek to know ourselves and create a unique and evolutionary imprint in the world by embracing the truth of our heart. 


Being of service to the heart's calling, the collective & the Earth will look and express itself differently in each individual, I am not expecting you to do anything specific, we will together listen to how your creative channels want to expand through your heart. You will be encouraged to spend a lot of time getting to know the inner worlds through self-reflection, introspection, deep listening, observation and presence with the plants that will become your teachers. 




Our journey together will be imbued and lead by innovative ways of working with nature to heal and understand deeper layers of yourself, connecting with your ancestors, uncover the Great Mystery of Your Soul, dive into past and possibly future lifetimes to understand your mission and path in this incarnation, deepen your roots to the magic within your heart and tend to the garden that you want to cultivate in your inner sanctum. This journey will create a foundation for you to become a Steward of The Earth and a Student of Sacred Plant Teachers.


I am excited to introduce you the world of Plant Mysticism. We will dive into practical, creative and ceremonial ways of working with Plants as Allies to explore and journey through the inner worlds





We are right now moving through a time of human and earthly evolution where we are being called to alchemize and spiritualize ourselves from within - the Christ is seeded within the heart.  You are your ultimate healer and your medicine can only be fully discovered and integrated by You. For the world to change into a place of harmony and love we have to create the shift individually within our inner being first, and then utilize our Soul Medicine & Essence as the foundation for the external work, platforms & shifts that we can create through being embodied in our truth.


When we reclaim our power as a sovereign and liberated being and start taking responsibility for our life and what we choose to create through our human experience we move into phases and timelines which often challenges us to grow and expand. This happens through meeting and transmuting the faces of darkness within ourselves. Our inner darkness or "The Shadow" is the aspects within us that can be both hidden or known to the conscious mind. It prevent us from ascending, healing and knowing higher truths when we live in oblivion to its existence - but turns into powerful teachers & medicine when we recognize our patterns and choose to reflect and learn from this "lower self". 


"I am apart of everything I see, I create the reality outside of me!"


The deeper we go in our healing journey and unpeel the layers of programming and false beliefs that keep us from knowing truth the more of the soul's journey reveal itself to us. We see the importance of doing this kind of work as it is affecting the whole world and we recognize that we have the ability to help and inspire each other to come back into balance and harmony as we are all one. 


When we start learning about the nature of our inner darkness and find the tools, practices and modules of transformation that are resonant with our souls requested path of growth we awaken to new layers of Truth within which then mirror and reflect out into the external experience of life that we haveAs Within So Without As Above So Below. 


Truth ennobles the heart and open us up to commune with the divine wisdom within. When we honour truth and choose to learn from The Great Mystery of life we are guided by Spirit to create a life of deep meaning, joy and value which is an ever unfolding adventure and journey of the Soul! 


If we seek to know ourselves from within through the mirror of nature and our own creativity we set ourselves out on a great adventure of soul retrieval, remembrance and growth where we eventually can utilize our creative channels as a portal for The Divine to speak through the ceremony of our life.



You are the great mystery & adventures are awaiting you!





Entering The Worlds of


pLants Are keys to the inneR MysteRies

Every plant is connected to a planetary ruler and an archetypal spirit. Being a carrier of distinct virtues and a unique medicine of its own delight and grandeur we see how the plants can benefit us on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers. When we journey with plant spirits in ceremonial settings we open up to connect and commune with teachers of the higher worlds. Through establishing relationships with plant allies we invite them to teach us about the interconnectedness of life through the processes, beings and seasons of nature. The plants can help us unlock our own inner mystery and guide us into greater wholeness within.


Nature is full of magic and adventures for the ones that want to experience it and the riddles of life can be explored through the many life forms and expressions of Mother Earth when we cultivate relationships with them. The special kind of healing, connection and inner openings that stirs into motion through these sacred relationships penetrates deep into the world of soul and spirit. 

A rare baby albino Oak that I

met in the forest a few years ago


A talisman that I birthed during my initiation with the Forget Me Not


Freshly harvested Forget Me Not, soon to be made into medicine


my background

I started my explorations of sacred plant medicines more than 10 years ago, where I during the first 6 years mainly was guided by psychoactive master plants. These years was a time of inner preparation when most of my journeys were self-initiated and deeply explorative. I was curious to learn about myself and the mysteries of life in ways that allowed me to think, feel, see and experience it for myself in a living environment. After my first journey I knew that the plants was going to open up my path for me and that this was going to be a realm where I will return to and learn a lot from.

My journeys with the plants have always led me to experiences in which I've been invited to learn about different aspects of life, nature and the inner worlds through entering altered states of consciousness. Anyone who has done a lot of work with psychoactive plant medicines knows that it is not just an easy ride into wondrous dreamlike higher worlds of wisdom, but that it can take us to challenging experiences of a dark nature as well. The teachings of the darker side of life cannot be avoided if one seeks to know thyself fully. If we seek to heal the shadow and grow the soul we must face and learn from its expression and way of moving. It is an opportunity for us to learn about our fears, deep core wounds and also an invitation to expand our understanding of different forms of energy and how it manifests inside of us and around us. These kind of experiences can take a long time to integrate and it is imperative to work diligently with the teachings that we receive as we dive into this kind of sacred work.


The plants (all plants) teach us in ways that invites us to view the world and who we are from many different perspectives, they really like to show us how our mental structures can limit or expand our experience of life. They gladly support us when we choose to break down the ones that keep us from growing, healing, evolving and knowing truth and with great zest and enthusiasm inspire and support us to create new pathways through which we can live a higher life connected with the heart.


Common Toothwort / Lathraea Squamaria

A very rare plant that I met in the forest on a walk. It takes 10 years for it  to develop underground before it blooms!  In folklore it is said to be a remedy for infertility.


Me and the faery castle

Foxglove / Digitalis Purpurea

I have for the past three years devoted my life to deepening my connection with nature by living in solitude in the forest and spending a lot of time learning from the land and the plants that are a part of the eco systems where I live. This has led me to discovering a new way of connecting with and creating allyships with the plants of my homeland - that are non-psychoactive - which has expanded my knowledge within the realm of plant spirits and how they can be worked with to enhance our experience of life and deepen our connection to a higher purpose and path.


The magnificent plant teachers that I have studied with and have relationships with (Mugwort, Oak, Forget Me Not, St Johns Wort, White Lotus, Ceiba, Tobacco & Pine) have helped me heal my broken heart, opened me up to hidden and unexplored gifts within my soul and keeps guiding me on my journey of reclaiming & restoring truth. My devotion to my own healing have created a foundation for a whole new relationship to be born, which is the one that I have with The Earth and the beings of nature - that reflects back into myself as a sacred partnership enriching my life with magic, wonder, a sense of inner unity and great adventure. 


During the past year I have also chosen to deepen my commitment to my path and step into service for the healing of the human heart and planetary grid. I do this by choosing truth and liberation for all and by being a living example and embodiment of my own truth. I do it by continuously deepening my relationships with the earth and listening to the divine guidance within which seeks to create harmony and beauty in this world. I wish to enlighten the alternate path of life that we all can choose to walk which includes great joy, universal love and divine creativity. This can be expressed and experienced as we deepen our connection with The Earth and our own soul being. 


Of course, I am just as you - always growing, learning and changing. Life is a work of art. Seek perfection (mastery) yet patiently and humbly cherish all the phases, stages and processes you go through to reach it. We are all falling and rising - dying and reborn each year. 


I have never sought to use these medicines in disheartening or ignorant ways, I have deep respect and reverence for Nature and the medicine that we are gifted by her which serves to teach us about how to grow our soul in harmony with the rest of the world.

Now scroll down to
read about our journey!



What Is MystiCisM?

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences


The Plant Mystic explores and studies the super sensible and spiritual dimensions of life through the mirror of nature - specifically by cultivating partnerships with plant spirits which becomes The Teachers. The Plant Mystic seeks to learn about the soul's journey on Earth by exploring and cultivating a sacred relationship with the source of life that makes up our world through the inspiring kingdoms of nature. The foundation of the practice lies in entering the world of plant spirits through extended periods of communion with the chosen plant in which it is studied through observation, meditation, ceremony, cultivation, ingestion and creative endeavours. A practice cultivated through an open and devoted heart leads to inner openings where one is invited to learn from and adventure through the realms of the soul by exploring living archetypes through the planetary spheres which the plants are connected to. It is a journey of remembrance, deep healing, restoration of divinity and integration of ones multidimensional nature.





We do this through learning about the metaphysical, mystical and alchemical nature of existence. By reclaiming our own authority, sovereignty and truth from within and by using the inherent gifts within our soul to create a brighter light in the world. We want to recognize the Earth mother as a sentient being who gives us the gift of Life in her world where the eternal soul incarnates to learn and grow. It makes sense that we have a lot to learn from her and that we should take care of and protect her at all cost. When we see all life as sacred we are embraced and guided by higher feelings and spirits of reverence and love.

Medicine Retreat

Planting the first seed

We will initiate the journey together with a 5 day sacred medicine retreat. This is an invitation for you to come and visit me in my home and experience a 1:1 retreat where we will deep dive into the world of plants and journey with the medicine together.

The Initiation Medicine Retreat is a space for deep healing and surrender - a place where you will arrive as you are and be invited to relax into a week of heart connection, learning, intention setting and seeding. You will receive tools, techniques and practices to bring with you home that you can continue working with as you dive into your own explorations. During this retreat I will weave an experience for you that is intended to enlighten the essence within your heart and open up a new door of exploration within the potential of that energy.


You will receive a full introduction and initiation into the Mugwort Mysteries. We will work with Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) to call forth the light within the heart and make space for it to flow into your intuitive and creative channels so that it rekindles within you. Mugwort is a plant with a feminine energetic signature - this does not mean that the plant itself has a female gender - rather it signifies that the plants virtues are seen as feminine in its energetic properties. For example: Mugwort is ruled by Venus and has an affinity with the Moon - which are both feminine planets. Mugwort's medicine is connected to womb health and women's reproductive system where it can help with menstrual imbalance and pains. She regulate hormone levels and stimulates/increase blood circulation throughout the body. Mugwort also works on the subconscious where she induce vivid dreams and strengthen our intuition. These are all seen as feminine attributes.


When we connect with plants they may choose to show themselves to us as a gender during journeys or dreams where the deva/spirit of the plant is dressed in symbolic attributes to help us understand its energy medicine. Mugwort show herself to me as The Triple Goddess. She came to me in a dream as an old hag with mossy clothes and tree branches growing out of her back (she says her name is Hagroot while being in this form) A wise elder who protects the history of The Earth and ancestral wisdom. The other from she takes is of a Goddess which I see with long red hair wearing a blue armored dress - a skilled huntress, magician and fire keeper. The other one is a high celestial angelic woman - several meters tall with long golden hair and a dress that is emanating pure white light. During my first initiation with Mugwort she told me that I could choose which one of these archetypes I wanted to embody. This then became the energy she started teaching me through during our journey. I do very specific work with Mugwort which I will invite you to learn about when we journey.


Mugwort is an incredible ally to have when walking the plant path and while working with other plants as she strengthen our connection to the earth and her kingdoms. I see her has a mediator between worlds and other spirits - kind of like a "Guardian of the Thresholds" or a Gatekeeper. She is especially beneficial and supportive for the ones who wish to deepen their connection to the plant realms, natural magic & alchemy which she so dearly want to teach us about. Her medicine moves through us like the feeling of a wise mother's safe embrace. She illuminates the being from within and leads us to reconnect with our own life force through the many songs of The Earth.


I have a soul connection and allyship with Mugwort and have been gifted by her to carry and share her medicine forward - with deep respect and honour.


After our retreat together you will be invited to continue cultivating your relationship with Mugwort if it feels resonant, I will give you seeds and directions on how to grow her in your home and inpsiration on how to work with her to deepen your connection. Or you can continute exploring other plants that are calling you.


The Retreat iNcludes

  • Preparation calls and guidance on how to set your inner space before arrival

  • Intention setting & dream weaving

  • Initiation into working with plants as allies

  • Connecting with plants + harvesting, medicine making & weaving your own ceremonies

  • 6 hour Sacred Medicine Ceremony

  • Shamanic body work & songs to support your inner process 

  • Mugwort Smoke Ritual for cleansing the energy body and harmonizing the nervous system

  • Mugwort Dream Tea before bed every night accompanied by activating body massage

  • Daily connection & integration talks where we dive into the past which is relevant to the present to unlock hidden layers that may request healing or letting go

  • Forest walks - how to get to know the land

  • Tapping into your inner hidden magic and the unique gifts within your soul

  • Earth Offerings & working with altars as sacred portals

  • All vegetarian & organic wholesome home-cooked meals to support the healing

  • Your own healing space for integration in solitude & deep rest

  • Follow up calls after a week-month to assist you in your process of unfolding.



My intention for opening up the journey like this is to give you the experience of how potent the medicine is when done in an intimate setting. It is weaved for You only - and created with the intention to support the growth of the seed in your heart. Everything that needs to be looked at, released, cried for, realized, and awakened will have the safe space to do so.


It also allows you ask questions and be a part of the whole process from a place of feeling at home, you are my guest and my friend and I am excited to have you with me. I am not just here to witness you enter a new journey of your life - I am here to join you on the adventure!


After the retreat 

I will support you as you bring your newly planted seeds and tools with you home. You will have a clear connection to what feels true and resonant within your inner being and the knowing of this will shine light on the direction and area of focus to continue nourish the foundation of your growth. 



Blue Skies

Healing & Soul Integration

The 6 months we will be journeying together is merely the beginning of a life-long adventure that you will be embarking on (if you choose to continue). You will develop your own ways of communing and journeying with the plants as your connection grows stronger, and your inner being will keep revealing new layers of medicine within your heart.


It takes time for the soul layers to be integrated and for us to work through the inner spheres that is presenting itself to us as we deepen our connection to the Divine. This time should be honoured and tended to with care and patience - as should the relationships you cultivate with your plant allies.


It also takes time to get to know a plant spirit and if we want them to become our allies we will be asked to create something meaningful in the world through the medicine we are gifted with to be a carrier of as an offering to the Earth and humanity.


This kind of work will support you in healing and understanding yourself on multidimensional layers. You will learn the importance of developing a strong connection to your body - learning to listen to it, care for it and trust it. Your mental body - what thought patterns you cultivate and engage with and your emotional wellbeing is just as important as the physical body. 


Healing deep seated traumas, working through ancestral karma, seeing/changing self-destructive habits and patterns, correcting and restoring emotional, mental and physical imbalances - all of this can be greatly supported by our plant allies and the connection we have with the land/nature beings. 


It is important that you are willing to look deep within yourself and that you are open to learn, listen to and trust the path of your soul. The journey into our Truth sometimes takes us through the deep murky waters of our subconscious where we meet with aspects of ourselves that may have been repressed or not able to reach us before - There are important lessons in all experiences - dark and light - which teaches us in ways that sometimes are challenging but always - if we listen and learn - can be keys to transcending our experience of life and help us integrate and know our higher soul layers.


In order for us to connect with and fully retrieve the medicine within our soul we have to heal, strengthen and purify ourselves from within - the vibration and awareness that we cultivate within our inner being is what determines the potency of the light we emanate into the world. Ultimately we are striving to become a harmonizing force of unity and love.

Blue Skies

The 6 Month Mentorship


personal guidance & support as you move through the first year of rebirth


We will

The mentorship is intended to serve as integral support, guidance and inspiration for you as you deepen your studies and unfold to the mystery within yourself. I will always encourage you to develop your intuitive connection to your body, mind and soul and listen to what is unfolding for you with a neutral and honest ear. It is important to have someone we trust that are able to understand what we are unfolding to when we deepen our connection with our inner world and start exploring, healing, awakening and remembering our spiritual core. Hence why I want to offer this to the aspirants that are called to work with me. I feel a certain responsibility to be with you as you start your journey and my heart wants to make sure your foundation is set properly for you to feel safe and with an understanding of what this kind of inner work and journeys can open up doors to. 


Journeying with plants and cultivating intimate relationships with them will change your life completely. A whole new dimension of sensing, feeling, thinking, creating and being will emerge and you will gradually heal the core of your being. Deep healing - purification of the Self - is needed in order for us to retrieve the unique gifts and medicine within our Soul. This is what the plants will help you with, your allies will show you what aspects of your inner being is out of balance and then teach you how to restore it or heal what is out of alignment. Doing this kind of work with plants is very special as it opens our heart to connect with a world of magic and inspiration that is all around us in nature - this is where the real adventure of being human begins!


The ones who wish to embark on this journey will have full support from me and receive individual healing & clearing treatments where I work with my spirits and guides to restore, repair and awaken new crystalline cellular structures within your body to support you in your healing and unfolding process. I can see if there are inorganic structures/implants, negative interfering energies/attachments, and outdated karmic imprints in your energy body when working with you in ceremony. I am able to remove those that do not belong to your organic soul blueprint and contracts. This can be experienced as a recalibration of your inner being and can greatly enhance your connection to your truth and knowing of your soul path afterwards. 


Our monthly calls will be a space for you to share about how you are doing and what is unfolding for you in your life. I will listen and share guidance or advise if it is requested. This will be a naturally flowing and fun conversation that allows you to share from a place of rawness and honesty in which I will serve as a mirror to the current phase of being. We will get to know each other and develop a beautiful expansive friendship!




Blue Skies

This page is under development

Last updates will be announced and applications open up in May/June. I am still receiving information about the layout and how this offering may best be structured for your convenience and my own capacity to guide and support you through it. I only want to open up the doors when it is fully integrated and set.

Thank you so much for your understanding

With love

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