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12 Holy Days with Rosemary - Community Portal

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Hello beautiful Community. I am on day 4 of the journey and been struck down with a cold. I trust this is part of the cleansing process and a puzzle to the oracle I received yesterday to slow down and rest.🙏🏼 My partner has been releasing a cold during Yule,so I partly got it from him...yet I still feel it has arrived exactly at the perfect time as it was meant to! I couldn't remember my dreams properly the first night so I asked the Divine mother to help me remember, ever since then my dreams have been so viv and I can recall every detail. This does not stop at how powerful the journey has already been. She has asked me to bring out my shutri box and I have been playing it and singing, as an offering every morning and evening (even with the soar throat) , something I haven't touched in months. There is just so much love, patience and support in this energy and yet somehow& sometimes I feel, so dopey in how I show up. I sat in ceremony for many years and worked with plant medicine, yet this time around I feel like a complete beginner. I'm curious if it's something any of you can relate to? 💚

Ofc Rosemary is ever so patient and loving. I'm open to the unfolding of what the remaining of the journey shall shed light on 🙏🏼 much love to you all! Maia ✨

Membro desconhecido
03 de jan.

Thank you for sharing with us sister! ❤️

Yes, the beginner vibes bring us back into the child-like state of learning. I love being in that. Not-knowing and surrendering into the trust that the medicine will teach me, that my intuition will guide me. When I has my first plant-journey in this way I was also feeling the same, having worked with plants ceremonially for many years, this kind of journey is different and it invites us to develop a much stronger long-lasting experience of inner growth and connection to the plant being as well as our own capacity to intuitively weave and hold the ceremonial container.


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