Rose Mary - My Journey
I have mostly been grieving this whole journey, feeling the deepest pain of my childhood wounds I was already on a journey but Rosemary has brought some deeper aspects further into the light of my mind, my ways and emotions. I have been shown I must reclaim my right to my basic human right be here to have what i need, to belong to have a right to speak my experience and feel what i feel and to my autonomy.
So to heal my root chakra, everything will grow from there. this will also allow others to have their thoughts and experience and that's its not a threat to mine. I was shown I am using food to fill my self with the missing love as a crutch to fill the void of deeper intimacy in relationships and of connections and that i need to grow and get my relational needs met. She guided me to seek learn more about shame, ive discovered its a protective mechanism that's formed to protect and disconnects the mind body, its not an emotion but my body must heal from this generational trauma of toxic shaming, I believe this is a root cause of much suffering on this planet and feeling the call to heal this x
I am right here with you. There are so many ways to look at what you are filling tho. Is it a void or a craving. Has shame, shamed us out of doing what our soul calls upon or is it actually bad. I know one thing is bad is thinking something is bad when it is not. It is the intention of what we are doing and being mindful of the process and the outcome. Currently my mind feels kind of like a racketball a bit... im being bombarded with old vibrations being bounced out of position by new vibrations. Take what you can use out of that, if anything, and let the rest flow away🙏