Cleansing mind and healing the nervoussystem
I have the feeling rosemary is working a Lot with my mind and throat.
I find her really soft and gentle, but in the other side she can be sharp like a knife, espacially when it comes to deconstructive thoughts and working with the mind.
I really know myself for having a running mind. Yesterday my mind was really quiet and so was i. I didn't do much. Simply laying on the couch waching the birds outside, enyoing the silence in my Body. i really experienced an calm nervoussystem. I feel how she is working with my nervous System and giving me a state of: you are safe in your Body, you can relex fully now.
So and today was completly different. I was tired and heavy, i bearly could put My feet of the ground while Walking 🙈
And my mind was running Like crazyyy, i had thoughts of guilt about this and that, was rethinking what i was saying, bla bla. Uf. And i know this state of myself very well.
So i am hoping rosemary is helping me with that. I am realizing the last days soooo much how my thoughts keeping me away from the present moment. And keeping me away from my heart, my selflove and Love in general.
And it has so much to do with having an calmed nervoussystem. So i am really thankful rosemary is calming me and reminding me, that i am safe
She is cleansing my mind from all negative and destructive thoughts, enteties and what ever else ist runing up there :D
Oh my god. You speaking out of my sould. I so feel this. Sending you warm an loving energy <3