Day 3 dreaming
Last night I prayed a lot to connect deeper with god in myself and rosemary to show me how. And before I went to bed I prayed to be shown something important in my dreams..
I’ve been dealing with a deep emotional pain for some years now, and it usually relates to either my mom abandoning me, or a man abandoning me. This came up in my dreams and a friend came to help me and put on some music to help me move the pain thru me.
The second dream - this one was super interesting-
I was either visiting or living on the planet Saturn. A few people lived there, it was kind of the vibe of back country, woodsmen type people. I think the climate was like northern woods, colder and barren and quiet.
I remember watching up in the sky the planet Jupiter - something happened on it - it was like an implosion started happening and the planet started falling into itself in a spiraling pattern and there were lines of geometry within it, then as it was imploding it got bigger and bigger and we realized something huge was happening that would potentially wipe everyone out.
Then it turned into a super move and something brand new was being born - I don’t remember the end!
It would be interesting to see if you have somethings going on in your astrology chart now to do with these planets. 😌