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12 Holy Days with Rosemary - Community Portal

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Feeling Her

Aloha! Yesterday was such a gift... I was able to be alone all day and really devote my attention to getting ready for Rosemary. When I sat with her at night and opened the space, I felt Her come in even before I drank. I did the meditation and then drank the medicine as I journaled about Aries season last year and what was coming up for me throughout the day. Stepping into my Original Design has been a reoccuring theme for me recently, and I feel that's what she's highlighting as well as a redefined relationship with the Mother - the Divine Mother and the mother energy within myself. I've seen a couple people say she feels light and bubbly and I would have to say I agree. I feel Her tingle all through my body and it feels invigorating and joyful. Last night, after I drank the medicine, I felt SO ALIVE. Looking forward to what continues to unfold 🧚🏻‍♂️🌿

Unknown member
Dec 26, 2024

Oh! PS... I had VERY vivid dreams last night, but couldn't remember any of them when I woke up... does anyone have suggestions for how to remember your dreams? 🙏


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