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12 Holy Days with Rosemary - Community Portal

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Deep Self Realization and Being Held

💚Hello everyone!! I wanted to make a post to help integrate this amazing journey! If you feel called to share Jennifer, feel free! My instagram is @becomingbethanygrace and @soul.searchjourney where i am becoming more active on it the latter one.

Anyways, back to this journey! This was my first time doing anything like this! And I am so in awe! Thank you for creating this journey! I cannot wait to find other friends in plants!!

Throughout this journey my heart was deeply opened. It actually ached more and more as the days got closer to the end of the journey. I have had it before with working with tantra yoga and focusing on the heart centre but this was quite intense. Rosemary is deep heart medicine. I was held so deeply by rosemary and on the first day of my journey I was greeted with a message of "Welcome home". There were many things that happened on this journey for me but what I feel called to share is the specific wisdom rosemary gifted me on different days. She was communicating with me and I am so glad I was just able to sit and listen. I would like to share this part of my journey because I believe it is a message for not just myself, but the collective as well.

Day 2

And as you finish going through days of ol', cleaning out the past, creating your future, hold this light in you heart as a guiding source, illuminating your path. Trusting that the heart will be able to guide your way. The heart wants what is best for you, but you must take time to listen and feel her. The bruises and batterings the heart has taken matter not, and forgiveness with open arms for you and the other's that affected you in your life encompass the heart. The only thing that matters is that you are here now, listening, feeling, and forgiving.

Day 4

For when thou comes to me it need not be in angst. My energy is available at all times. When we connect with calmness you are affirming your guidance and support from the divine. Panic says "I am not okay". The energy of rosemary is total stability, love, calm, peace, stillness, and respect. I can show people how to sit in calmness bringing them into their bodies and grounding them. Always remember this state of connected calmness and lead with that when trying to connect to anything. Love between worlds is not different. Love travels through everything.

Day 6

Though waves of life will seem to pull you, it is important to know how to use your anchor. You are here for a short time (meaning life in general) and the slightest distraction can veer you off. The point of arrival is the same, the only thing that can change is how fast you get there. Your anchor will serve as a means of keeping you on the shorter path so to speak. The water of can get turbulent and difficult to navigate, so choosing and anchor strong and sturdy to keep you from drowning or being washed back up on the beach of where you began. The anchor is your why. Remember who are you are.

Day 7

In order to shine bright, you must first find your light. It is by nurturing and tending to that light/fire within that you are able to make it grow outside of you. Do not rush the process of construing the fire. It is like preparing kindling for a brand new fire. It takes time, patience and the right materials. After it is lit, you have to nurture and mother it. That is where you are. Continue to nurture you fire. Blow on it, add another log, get really hot before you take it outside of you. This is necessary in order to be able to light other pieces of wood. If you go out and do this to early, you will smoulder out trying to light up others.

Day 8

For thou has shown devotion, may it serve as an example of what can be done at all times. When you are devoted you will gain understanding, witness miracles, and cultivate a powerful force within yourself. This planet needs more help then ever, and it is through devotion and practice that the ripple effect can become a wave. Feel the ripple within yourself turning into a tidal wave of change for those around you. With great power comes great responsibility and you will have to check yourself constantly, always aligning with your highest self and God. When you doubt yourself you doubt God. Be aware of where you doubt yourself and wash away your doubt. Doubt strips power away, whether it be self-doubt or others around you. Guard your mind when doubting others, do not take their power away. In closing today, we are all on of the same. To doubt others is to doubt yourself, and when others doubt you, they really doubt themselves.

Day 9

When you don't know what to do, ask yourself to come up with the reason not to do it. Looking at those reasons and see if they are based on fear. If it is based on fear, this actually becomes a way of transmuting fear into trust. By objectively looking at the reasons stopping you from doing something you will be able to understand what you are actually thinking beneath the surface. Fear is sneaky and will sometimes no look like fear. You must be diligent in the way fear can show up and limit your potential and growth. we and either face everything and rise or forget everything and run.Look what is beneath that fear and follow it to it's base. Thank it for being there to protect you and then release it.

Day 10

We are here to be free. That does not mean there won't be struggles and hard lessons. But you and spirit should walk hand in hand and feeling what freedom life has to offer. That is of access to you whenever you want it. In order to feel that truefreedom, you must be without the weight of worry, feel fully supported, have developed qualites of faith, trust and have a strong sense of self. Freedom is the feeling of flying in the sky, feeling weightless, tranquility, knowing your supported, having the fincances to support your abundant life, andbeing able to act on the vision you want to bring alive in the world. You soul wants to shine and you have the support do so. Are you afraind to shine? Shining means also illuminating the darkness in others so they too can become their highest selves. Be aware of this and then be gentle with those around you because having darkness illuminated isnt easy for some people. Be genuine. That is the best way to shine.

Day 11

You must be conscious that every decision you make has and affect on someone. I was then shown how our decsions can alter the life of another person vey easily in a vision. If your decisions can make someone life differing imagine how deeply connected we all are. Every single person you come across can teach you something and alter you life in indescribable ways. Be open to seeing how random people are there for you growth and learning. The other thing I want to talk about is peer pressure. To overcome peer pressure means you are undoing years of generational trauma because you are going against the majority which likely didn't happen in your family members before you, or you wouldn't be struggling so hard with it. Keep that in mind (by making this choice I am releasing this family from the pressure of not being ourselves) in any situation where you feel like going with the crowd or giving into peer pressure. It will be a strong way for you to find strength and stay in your centre.


Rememeber this safe space when things feel overwhelming. You willingness to learn and be open minded has served you well and will serve you well in the future. You still have some people pleasing/fear of judgment to work through. This will dissapate when you find your people. Remember this opening of the heart space, feeling into it whenever you are unsure. Allow this heart expansion to become your normal. Your heart has been cracked open so give it the space it needs. It hurts because you have never been held and allowed to grow. Whenever you open your heart to be loved we can also love others more deeply.

Thanks to anyone who made it this far, and I hope you were able to take wisdom from this and use it yourself 💚

Unknown member
Jan 12

Reading your reflections awakened in me the feeling I know from reading The Radiance Sutras or The Tao. Truth in the Heart. I added you on IG, feel free to follow back if you feel so. Deep gratitude for your share, Sister. Lots of love.



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